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Paddy Padmanabhan

Data Privacy, Innovation Models, and AI Winters.

In my recent blog in CIO online, I discuss how health systems and health insurance companies are pooling and monetizing data and innovation assets, and how the owners of the data, i.e., consumers, should benefit from these programs. The ONC has separately issued their thoughts on this topic, specifically as it relates to how consumer data is reused and monetized by third-party apps. 

In my latest podcast episode, Tom Grote, CEO of Banner|Aetna, a commercial joint venture between Aetna Insurance and Banner Health in Arizona, discusses how a shared vision between equal partners can improve care quality and reduce costs. He discusses the incremental benefits of Aetna merging with CVS, their approach to strategic technology partnerships, and sharing of best practices among JVs of Aetna with other health systems. Take a listen. 

Is AI going to transform healthcare anytime soon or is it headed for another “winter”? We have included a collection of thought-provoking pieces on this question.

Digital transformation in healthcare: our picks for the week

The new innovation model: monetizing healthcare data

Healthcare enterprises are launching programs to monetize patient medical data by offering access to researchers and innovators. How these initiatives can benefit all stakeholders (or leave out some). 

Customers Handed Over Their DNA. The Company Let the FBI Take a Look

Family members disclosing their DNA data could be compromising your data privacy.

Nearly 1 in 4 millennials hasn’t had a physical in 5 years, survey says

It’s one thing to focus on improved digital experiences for healthcare consumers; it’s another to get them to even engage with the healthcare system.

Apple health team faces departures as tensions rise over differing visions for the future

How cultures clash when big tech/ Silicon Valley meets healthcare.

When the Venture Capital Subsidies Dry Up 

With stock markets gyrating wildly, the window for digital health IPO’s may have closed for now. VC’s maybe next ones to head for the exits.

AI startups are racing into drug development. Here’s 5 burning questions about which will survive

VC-funded AI startups in healthcare are going to find it increasingly harder to succeed, not in the least because they don’t have access to the data.

Rucker: ONC working on app privacy with Congress,White House

The CMS and ONC are beginning to address privacy in the context of how patient data can be used by third-party apps.

Warning of an AI winter, a skeptic argues deep learning in medicine needs a reboot

The shortcomings of applying AI in healthcare today.

Mayo Clinic Plummer Project co-chair Dr. Steve Peterson EHR customization, innovation

The nation’s #1 health system spent $1.5 billion for EHR upgrade and consolidation. The cost of maintaining and upgrading EHR systems is one reason digital transformation investments are not accelerating. 

Hospitals lack CEO buy-in to invest in interoperability

Here’s one solution to the interoperability problem in healthcare: consolidate EHR systems.

The latest from Damo Consulting

Paddy Padmanabhan, CEO of Damo Consulting, to speak at SHSMD Connections 2019

Developing a Digital Health Roadmap: The Cleveland Clinic Experience, September 10.

Podcast – Episode #21: With Thomas J. Grote, Chief Executive Office, Banner|Aetna 

“We’re trying to fundamentally drive an improved healthcare model in the market.”

Research Report: The current state of healthcare digital transformation 

Our latest research report explores the current state of digital transformation in healthcare.

The WITCH Monthly Monitor: Monthly update on major global IT consulting and services firms in healthcare (July 2019) 

IT consulting firms are witnessing declining contracts in the healthcare segment due to industry consolidation.

The WITCH Report: 2018 Annual Review 

A review of the financial and market performance of global technology firms in healthcare. 

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Join the digital healthcare revolution. Stay on top of the latest news, trends, and insights with Damo Consulting.