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Paddy Padmanabhan

De-identification, Privacy, and Emergent Data in the New AI World.

The underlying assumption in all the ongoing data sharing agreements, cloud partnerships, innovation hubs, and the like is that medical and non-medical information alike on consumers will be “de-identified” for research and product development. 

One DNA-testing startup is twisting itself into a pretzel to convince consumers that their DNA test data will be “anonymous.” (It’s a different matter that patients can be identified or re-identified in a variety of ways). At the other end of the spectrum, Google’s formal move to integrate DeepMind Health has raised questions about how patient data inherited through DeepMind’s historical partnerships with the NHS will now be handled. And now, there is a new challenge on the horizon – algorithmic discrimination from emergent data, i.e., the digital traces we leave behind online that can be mined in multiple ways.

In my latest podcast episode, Sylvia Romm, Chief Innovation Officer at Atlantic Health System discusses how her prior experience in pioneering telehealth adoption influences her views on digital innovation. The innovation model at Atlantic Health System involves developing internal innovation and also external partnerships (while being cautious about “shiny new things” that don’t move the health system forward). Sylvia believes that digital transformation is not simply automating or digitizing all the current workflows. It must go beyond replacing in-person visits with one-on-one virtual visits and look at reimagining patient and caregiver experiences. Take a listen.

Digital transformation in healthcare: our picks for the week

Google completes controversial takeover of DeepMind Health

DeepMind Health’s formal integration with the Google mothership has raised questions about how the entity will now handle the data and AI research programs that it has inherited through its partnership with the NHS in the U.K.

Amid privacy concerns, startup becomes first consumer DNA company to offer anonymous sequencing

With all the blowback on data privacy, here’s one startup that’s bending over backward to preserve anonymity in consumer genetic testing.

Tech companies’ dangerous practice: using artificial intelligence to mine hidden health data

The risks of algorithmic discrimination in healthcare from “emergent” data.

Value-based healthcare models require a better-educated, patient-centered workforce

The growth of value-based care is bumping up against the shortage of available healthcare workers. Data, analytics, and user-friendly technology have a big role to play in closing the gap.

The business case for integrating claims and clinical data

The case for integrating claims and EHR data at the point care gets stronger by the day.

The latest from Damo Consulting

Podcast – Episode #23: With Dr. Sylvia Romm, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, Atlantic Health System

“Digital transformation is not just about digitizing and automating workflows.”

The WITCH Report: 2019 Mid-Year Review

A review of the financial and market performance of global technology consulting firms in healthcare.

Webinar co-presented by Damo Consulting CEO Paddy Padmanabhan and Ed Marx, CIO of Cleveland Clinic

Digital Transformation Strategy and Roadmaps: The Cleveland Clinic Experience.

The WITCH Monthly Monitor: Monthly update on major global IT consulting and services firms in healthcare (August 2019) 

Increasing partnerships to develop digital solutions using AI, cloud, and blockchain.

Research Report: The current state of healthcare digital transformation 

Our latest research report explores the current state of digital transformation in healthcare.

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Join the digital healthcare revolution. Stay on top of the latest news, trends, and insights with Damo Consulting.