Monday, September 28, 2020
Last week, Microsoft became the first major tech firm to offer a video consult feature using Teams that can launch directly from within the Epic EHR system. The development is significant for two reasons: there is a need for an advanced video platform that goes beyond native capabilities available in EHR systems, and this may be the moment that Microsoft officially became a telehealth company among other things.
Microsoft has been getting deeper into telehealth recently; an example is their recent partnership with Nuance Communications to integrate voice-enablement technologies that reduce clinical workload by synthesizing physician-patient conversations during virtual visits through Microsoft Teams. In our guest blog this week, Diana Nole, EVP and General Manager of Nuance Healthcare and Dr. Yaa Kumah-Crystal, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discuss how voice-enabled technologies are improving patient experience.
What is the most important requirement for a digital front door program? In my latest podcast, San Banerjee, Vice President of Digital Experience at Texas Health Resources answers the question and discusses a broad range of related topics. Take a listen.
I was interviewed recently for a podcast by Healthcare IT Today with John Lynn where he asked me a simple question: do EHR systems hinder the pace of digital transformation? I answer this question and take a range of other important questions on the digital transformation landscape in this fascinating conversation.
P.S. We’re still on the Amazon bestseller list! Signed copies of my new book Healthcare Digital Transformation are available at the link below. If you are interested in having me do a talk for your internal teams or your user groups on the book themes and current trends in digital health and digital transformation, drop me a line.
Stay safe. Wear a mask.
Podcast of the week
This Week in Digital Health Markets
We are selectively featuring guest posts in our newsletter from senior leaders in healthcare and technology. Reach out to us if you would like to contribute a blog to one of our upcoming newsletters.
Epic EHR 1st to integrate with Microsoft Teams for telehealth: 4 things to know
Wow. Microsoft is now officially in the telehealth business. Great move. Becker’s Hospital Review
Terminology standards bridging gaps between health systems during COVID-19
Dr. Joyoti Goswami from Damo Consulting writes about terminology standards in interoperability. Healthcare IT News
Teladoc’s tussle with Amwell raises questions about defining property rights in digital health
Interesting development in the telehealth competitive space. Stat News
FDA sets up center to ‘modernize’ digital health regulations
The FDA launched a new center tasked with coordinating and supporting the agency’s efforts to “modernize” its approach to regulating digital health technologies, such as apps and wearables categorized as medical devices. Modern Healthcare

GUEST POST – Diana Nole, EVP and General Manager of Nuance Healthcare and Dr. Yaa Kumah-Crystal, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
How voice-enabled technologies can improve patient experiences
Voice-enabled technologies that support healthcare are not new. Healthcare teams today can use the power of their voice far more than simple dictating and transcribing patient documentation.
Chart of the Week

Damo Consulting Thought Leadership and Research

A mid-year review of the financial and market performance of global technology consulting firms in healthcare.
The WITCH Monthly Monitor (August) - Our monthly update on major global IT consulting and services firms in healthcare provides the latest financial and market performance updates on WITCH companies along with other global IT consulting firms. *WITCH Monthly Monitor is now available as a free 1-year subscription with every purchase of The WITCH Report.
Our CEO Paddy Padmanabhan and Ed Marx discussed themes from their new book ‘Healthcare Digital Transformation’ and also the recent research on digital health in the COVID-19 era on CHIME College Live webinar – ‘Digital Transformation in the Next Normal: How Consumerism, Technology and the Pandemic are Accelerating the Future.’