Thought Leadership In Healthcare Digital Transformation

Damo Consulting thought leaders regularly write in different media articles. We also invite guest posts from industry leaders.

Technology in healthcare must comprise of three dimensions: technology, people, and processes

Our 60th guest on The Big Unlock podcast was San Banerjee, Vice President of Digital Experience for Texas Health Resources in Dallas. San spoke about their connected ecosystem that provides seamless digital experience to patients through digital channels with Paddy Padmanabhan, CEO of Damo Consulting. He discussed the trend of people getting accustomed to virtual care delivery model and why healthcare is much more than just technology.

Shift to value-based care will improve patient outcomes

In the healthcare ecosystem, a seamless patient experience is possible with information sharing between payers and providers. Integration between payers and providers will become easier once the stakeholders have patient outcomes as their core objective. However, interoperability is still unfinished business in healthcare. According to San, patient outcomes will improve once the industry moves towards a value-based care model.

“The move towards value-based care, which is getting pushed by the payer side of the business, will really help active collaboration on patient outcomes. Payers are getting into a place where they are embracing a lot of patient engagement strategies where they want providers to participate as well.”  San Banerjee, The Big Unlock podcast, Episode #60

Increase in virtualized care delivery mechanisms among consumers

The COVID-19 outbreak brought social and economic life to a standstill; however, it accelerated the adoption of virtual care among patients and consumers. Texas Health Resources completed 100,000 virtual visits in the first ninety days of the pandemic. While most of the consumers are embracing virtual care from their home, some want to go back to an ‘office setting.’ This leads to a very positive percentage from an increase standpoint as it lets consumers to shift their preferences. And as the healthcare industry moves forward, people will get trained to use virtual care delivery mechanism.

“The adoption of virtualized care delivery mechanisms among consumers is increasing day-by-day. When Apple brought their phone, nobody knew how to use it, they trained people to use the phone. Virtual will follow the same path. People will get trained to use a different delivery mechanism, which is virtual in this case.” – San Banerjee

Healthcare is much more than technology

San advises digital health start-ups to understand how technology enables the healthcare business while keeping in mind people and process. Any innovative technology in healthcare must comprise the three dimensions – technology, people, and process – and must connect everything together to improve patient engagement and patient experience, from a digital front door standpoint.

“Healthcare is not just tech; it has people and process. It is a people-based business, and it is very important to understand how tech enables this business where you have to keep people and process in mind.”  – San Banerjee

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