Monday, April 05, 2021
Issue 108

Vaccine production hit an important milestone last week – a billion doses produced. In America, vaccination queues are opening up rapidly and eligibility is expanding to cover more and more individuals. Pretty soon, anyone who wants a vaccine would have had one. However, that is not the case in other parts of the world. A combination of politics, supply chain issues, and bureaucracy is hampering the vaccination effort globally. We have included this piece from the Economist which lays out the situation in detail.
The CMS final ruling on interoperability and information blocking goes into effect this week. What does it mean for consumers and what will be the level of compliance by healthcare enterprises? In theory, consumers can – and should – get access to their medical information from their provider and be able to share it with anyone of their choice. However, as with the hospital price transparency ruling that went into effect in January, the information blocking rule may lack teeth on the one hand, and may lead to undesirable consequences if consumers don’t know who they are sharing it with and what the 2th and 3rd order effects could be. Being “complaint proof” won’t be easy either for healthcare providers and technology vendors.
IBM made some positive news last week, announcing a 10-year quantum computing partnership with Cleveland Clinic. Both IBM and the Clinic avoided mentioning Watson in the announcement.
I am pleased to share our latest white paper on technology partner selection for digital transformation initiatives. You can download the paper here.
Have a great week.
Podcast of the Week
In this episode, Kash Patel discusses his role as the Chief Digital Technology Officer at Penn Medicine and provides an overview of their digital transformation initiatives covering all aspects of the institution including research, academic programs, and patient engagement.
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This Week in Digital Health Markets
We are selectively featuring guest posts in our newsletter from senior leaders in healthcare and technology. Reach out to us if you would like to contribute a blog to one of our upcoming newsletters.
Almost one billion doses of covid-19 vaccines have been produced
The world is working out how to share them. The Economist
Cleveland Clinic, IBM launch 10-year quantum computing partnership
The collaboration, focused on high-performance cloud computing and artificial intelligence for healthcare and life science research, will see an IBM 1,000-plus qubit system deployed in Cleveland. Healthcare IT News
Being “complaint proof” on information blocking won’t be easy for providers, vendors
The HHS’ information blocking rule goes into effect from April 5th, and for nearly a year, providers and IT vendors have been racing to prepare. But they have faced several hurdles along the way, including figuring out how to handle scenarios that could make them non-compliant. MedCity News
If Your Company Uses AI, It Needs an Institutional Review Board
Interesting idea for comprehensively addressing the issue of ethics in AI. IRB’s exist in many fields, notably medicine. Harvard Business Review
How AI Played a Role in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout
CIO Lidia Fonseca talks about how Pfizer developed dashboards to monitor the effect of COVID-19 on clinical trials in real time. MedCity News
Allscripts CEO talks EHR innovation, AI and the cloud
Paul Black points to misplaced records priorities, innovation aimed at the provider experience, artificial intelligence’s increasing role and more. Healthcare IT News
ONC’s top goals: Interoperability, alignment and equity
National Coordinator for Health IT Micky Tripathi said in a keynote for the agency’s annual meeting that COVID-19 continues to be the main focus for the near future. Healthcare IT News
Note: Some of the articles linked in this newsletter may be behind paywalls that need a subscription.
Chart of the week
Source: The Economist
In this virtual conference, by Paubox, our CEO Paddy Padmanabhan will be moderating a session on “A Uniform Approach to Sharing Assurances and Other Certifications.”
Event details: April 6th | 09:00 AM PST
Register here. Upcoming event
Join Damo Consulting CEO Paddy Padmanabhan for a LIVE demo of our DamoIntel™ Digital Health Intelligence Platform – the first and only digital health intelligence platform for health systems and technology providers – at the CHIME21 Spring forum.
Event details: April 14-15 | 10:00 AM CT
Register here. Upcoming event
Digital Maturity in Health Systems – The DigiM Framework and How to Use it
In this webinar, Paddy Padmanabhan and Sara Vaezy, Chief Digital Strategy and Business Development Officer of Providence Health discuss a roadmap for digital transformation leaders looking to take an objective view of their progress and prioritize their investments to meet their enterprise goals. Webinar Recording
Damo Consulting Thought Leadership and Research
Damo Consulting’s ICEA™ framework guides health systems and technology firms on competitive assessment and partner selection strategies. This paper will help you find out how you can use the framework to categorize the technology vendors and evaluate each vendor within the categories. White Paper
NEW RESEARCH: Digital Transformation Priorities for health systems in a Post COVID-19 Era
Our annual survey on the current state of digital transformation, in collaboration with CHIME, reveals interesting insights on how health systems are prioritizing and funding digital initiatives in a post-COVID-19 era. DamoIntelTM Research
Assessing Digital Maturity: The DigiMTM Digital Maturity Model for Health Systems
Damo Consulting’s DigiMTM model is a framework that describes the different stages of digital maturity in the specific context of health systems. The framework is supported by an automated online evaluation tool that scores the digital programs of individual health systems and provides benchmarks to drive incremental investments and roadmap execution priorities. White Paper
Amazon Care is a big deal – here’s why
With its promise of virtual care in all 50 states, this is the first time a big tech firm will be directly in the healthcare services business. Will it be another failed experiment, or the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for? Blog
How to win physician confidence in remote patient monitoring programs
CIOs need to look beyond just EHRs and explore stand-alone platforms to enhance care delivery – keeping focused on reliable patient data and streamlined clinical workflows. Blog
Corporate Announcements
Damo Consulting releases annual survey of the state of digital transformation, points to access as the primary focus area for digital health and digital transformation. Virtual visits, automated communications for scheduling and reminders, and patient self-service tools are all high-focus areas.
Read more.

Damo Consulting offers branding solutions for technology firms looking to gain visibility and access to healthcare executives and CXOs.