Monday, August 23, 2021
Issue 127

This past week, healthcare tech markets were abuzz with the news of David Feinberg, Head of Google Health, departing to take up the CEO role at Cerner. A leaked internal memo, scooped by Business Insider, painted a gloomy picture inside Google. The Google Health division was disbanded, atomized, and the ashes scattered among different business units where they may remain buried forever. Google wasn’t alone in making news – another scoop by Business Insider revealed that Google’s big tech compadre Apple had retreated as well, declaring that it was “scaling back” (corporate-speak for terminating) a key project that was intended to be the pilot for an expanded presence in the healthcare services market.
There was no shortage of quips on social media on hearing the news. I asked the question: Is healthcare too hard for tech firms? Aaron Martin of Providence Health posted: “If you’re big tech and want to exit healthcare, this is the week to do it.” For good measure he added the hashtag #healthcareishard. My friend Sherri Douville, whose post on this went viral, summed it up thus: “If companies misunderstand evidence-based medicine, they have no business bringing technology into medicine at all (as opposed to consumer or administrative use). Glenn Tullman, arguably among the most successful digital health entrepreneurs out there, had this to say – “Big Tech was struggling in healthcare because patients’ problems are more about the overall experience than technology, per se.” Sam Rangaswamy was short and to the point: “This was Google’s second attempt. Maybe the third time will be a charm.”
Nick Patel, MD, Chief Digital Officer at Prisma Health, is not surprised that Google and Apple were scaling back. He said, “The multi trillion dollar healthcare industry is a hard nut to crack. There are too many complex variables to try to solve for, and the healthcare tech space is already too crowded. Each trying to solve for a tiny part of the overall tangled mess.”
So that leaves us with the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question: what’s going to happen with Amazon’s healthcare efforts?
Have a great week.
Featured Podcast
In this podcast, Paddy Padmanabhan discusses the evolving role of CIOs, telehealth reimbursement rates, and the role of consumerism in shaping healthcare experiences.
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David Feinberg, who led Google’s ambitious and sometimes controversial push into healthcare, is leaving the search giant to become Cerner Corp.’s Chief Executive Officer. Business Insider
Cerner taps Google Health head Dr. David Feinberg as CEO, names new chair: 7 notes
Cerner named David Feinberg, MD, its president and CEO, effective Oct. 1, the Kansas City, Mo.-based EHR vendor announced. Becker’s Hospital Review
Google says health projects will continue—even if Google Health won’t
Google is unwinding its three-year-old Google Health division as it reorganizes health projects and teams across the company. Modern Healthcare
Verily makes its first major acquisition as it looks to transform clinical trials
Verily announced plans to make its first major acquisition by buying SignalPath, a North Carolina company which developed a clinical trial management platform. STAT News
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Apple is scaling back a key project in its health division, an app called HealthHabit that Apple employees can use to log fitness goals, manage hypertension, and talk to clinicians and coaches at AC Wellness, the doctors’ group that Apple works with. Business Insider
UnitedHealth-Change merger may be delayed, but not over
While M&A is happening at a furious pace among digital health companies, larger deals are getting scrutiny because of the scale of the impact. My thoughts in this article. Modern Healthcare
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