Your weekly newsletter on health IT and digital health

Paddy Padmanabhan


Monday, August 30, 2021

Issue 128

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This past week, I wrote a piece exploring the reasons why big tech firms seem to suffer big setbacks repeatedly in healthcare. Counting the Haven Healthcare debacle, four big tech firms – Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Apple – have had very public failures in the healthcare space over the past decade. Big tech is no stranger to failed experiments, and their core technology business seems to be doing well in the healthcare sector. However, something seems to go wrong when they cross the rubicon into core healthcare services.

In my article, I point to structural issues within big tech firms that stand in the way of the success they seek. Social media comments to my article – which was shared widely – provided additional insights. One former executive from a big tech firm pointed out that healthcare isn’t core to big tech, suggesting that the failures arise from a lack of real commitment to healthcare. Others pointed to misaligned incentives, faulting big tech firms for being more interested in making money off of healthcare data than on healthcare services. Some defended big tech firms, pointing out how they are already making a big difference through technology-enablement of care.

Clinicians pointed to the big gap between bench and bedside with technology-enabled care – in other words, the translational issues arising from trying to apply innovative technologies to patient care in real-time. They also pointed to the constant refrain that the current technology solutions often increases clinicians’ workload instead of reducing them.

Most readers agreed that the recent setbacks were more of a “re-calibration” than an abandonment of healthcare sector ambitions by big tech firms. As my friend Wido Menhardt put it, “It took many, many attempts before Everest was scaled.” And so it may well be.

In my latest podcast, Dr. Roy Schoenberg, President and CEO of telehealth major Amwell, makes several insightful observations on the current state of telehealth and the role of technology firms. I also asked him whether he thought healthcare is just too hard for tech. Take a listen.

Have a great week.

Featured Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Roy Schoenberg, President and CEO of Amwell, discusses the current state of telehealth in the U.S. and how its adoption is impacting the experience for healthcare stakeholders – consumers, providers, and payers.

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This Week in Digital Health Markets

We are selectively featuring guest posts in our newsletter from senior leaders in healthcare and technology. Reach out to us if you would like to contribute a blog to one of our upcoming newsletters.

Is healthcare too hard for Big Tech firms?

In the wake of Google shutting down its Google Health business and Apple deciding to scale back its healthcare services operations, I discuss the challenges for big tech when it comes to healthcare. Healthcare IT News

Will breaking apart Google’s health bets give them a better shot at success?

Google is once again overhauling its ambitious health efforts. But this time around, some experts see its shakeup as less of a stumbling block than a potential path to progress. STAT News

Alphabet’s Verily, Mayo Clinic team up on decision support tech for cardiovascular care

As many Americans clamor for mental healthcare amid a pandemic, two major companies in the field are joining forces. The two companies see an opportunity to provide a full range of mental-health services, from coaching, therapy, and psychiatric care to basic resilience-building techniques like meditation. Fierce Healthcare

Beth Israel Deaconess creates homegrown telehealth with help from Amazon

Half of telehealth visits were done by video at peak, and BIDMC staff expect telemedicine to continue at the current volume of 20% of all ambulatory care visits. The CMIO, CIO and CTO of the Boston health system tell the story of the build. Healthcare IT News

Headspace and Ginger plan merger to form a mental-health powerhouse

As Congress starts drafting a massive $3.5 trillion infrastructure package, a collection of provider groups is making a case for value-based care legislation to be included. Fast Company

Foundation Medicine, Epic partner to integrate genomic insights into EHR

As a result of the partnership, clinicians using Epic will be able to order Foundation Medicine’s genomic profiling tests directly from the EHR and view results in the system, providing them with clinical decision support. MedCity News

Allscripts sells genetic test business

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions has sold 2bPrecise, a service and technology provider that integrates genetic and genomic test results into electronic health records, to AccessDx Holdings for an undisclosed amount. Modern Healthcare

Note: Some of the articles linked in this newsletter may be behind paywalls that need a subscription.


Enterprise Digital Transformation: The Geisinger Experience

Our CEO Paddy Padmanabhan and Geisinger EVP and CIO Karen Murphy to present best practices and learnings from how a large integrated health system is driving a multi-year digital transformation roadmap at HIMSS21. View the presentation here. Event Presentation

The Health Technology Podcast – Accelerating the Future with Paddy Padmanabhan

In this podcast, our CEO Paddy Padmanabhan shares insights on the path in developing as an industry thought leader of healthcare technology strategies. He highlights how the pandemic has given digital technology strategies a much-needed boost across the industry. Podcast

Damo Consulting Thought Leadership and Research

The ‘giant sucking sound’ of digital health consolidation

The ongoing wave of mergers and acquisitions makes sense for startups and their VC backers. What does it mean for CIOs at their health system customers? Blog

The Digital Health Solution Selection Process When health systems look for solution partners to execute their digital priorities, the decision process typically looks like this. Infographic

AI-enabled physicians: rethinking care delivery

While traditionally deeply skeptical of artificial intelligence in clinical settings, in today’s fast-changing care delivery landscape many physicians are thinking more proactively about how how AI can improve quality and patient experience. Blog

Corporate Announcements

Damo Consulting offers branding solutions for technology firms looking to gain visibility and access to healthcare executives and CXOs. Contact us now!
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