A billion doses now

Monday, April 05, 2021 Issue 108 Vaccine production hit an important milestone last week – a billion doses produced. In America, vaccination queues are opening up rapidly and eligibility is expanding to cover more and more individuals. Pretty soon, anyone who wants a vaccine would have had one. However, that is not the case in […]
Where is the puck headed?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Issue 107 It’s hard to keep track of the multitude of marketplace initiatives that traditional health systems and their emerging competitors are launching these days. A number of new initiatives announced last week by health systems and tech firms point to an industry transforming itself rapidly and pushing the boundaries. Providence […]
Appetite for Disruption, anyone?

Monday, March 22, 2021 Issue 106 This past week saw several new announcements that could redefine healthcare as we know it. Amazon Care declared that it would offer virtual primary care and home care in all 50 states starting May. Read my piece in Healthcare IT News where I describe why this is a big […]
One year after

Monday, March 15, 2021 Issue 105 It’s exactly a year after the world officially declared a pandemic. During the initial months, we extensively covered the response in my podcast as a series titled Coronavirus Conversations. The entire healthcare ecosystem responded heroically to the crisis. Technology-enablement of care delivery took a leap forward […]
Taking stock of Amazon in healthcare

Monday, March 8, 2021 Issue 104 Among the big tech firms in the healthcare space, no one piques as much interest and speculation as Amazon, not least because the company says very little about its healthcare strategy. Last week, a report in STAT News laid out Amazon’s quiet expansion of its Amazon […]
Digital deserts and the new social determinant of health

Monday, March 1, 2021 Issue 103 As we hurtle towards a virtual care era, a sharp and growing digital divide threatens to exacerbate disparities in access to care. An article in Modern Healthcare points to startling findings among lower income populations in “digital deserts” who often have to make choices between paying for broadband […]
The Jeopardy of IBM Watson Health

Monday, February 22, 2021 Issue 102 Exactly 10 years ago, IBM’s Watson supercomputer made news by beating Ken Jennings to win jeopardy on national television, earning a grand prize of $1 million. The public gasped, executives high-fived, and tech publications gushed over the emergence of a new era where machines could possibly […]
Launching the DigiM Digital Maturity model

Monday, February 15, 2021 Issue 101 In my book Healthcare Digital Transformation, I discuss a 4-stage digital maturity model for health systems. The framework and its accompanying DigiMTMonline self-assessment tool have helped health systems benchmark their digital maturity against their peers. Our latest white paper analyzes the maturity assessments of select health […]
All roads lead to the cloud

Monday, February 08, 2021 Issue 100 I’m really thrilled to share our 100th newsletter issue. Since we started publishing in 2018, we have more or less managed to put the newsletter out every week, except for major holidays and the year-end holiday break. We have made several format changes based […]
Back to the future – the vaccine scrum

Monday, February 01, 2021 Issue 99 Nine months ago, healthcare enterprises were scrambling to install and scale up Telehealth and virtual care infrastructures. Today, we are in the midst of a similar crisis – how to scale up and streamline the vaccine distribution effort (my daughter, a healthcare worker in Boston who is approved for […]