Our new website is live!

October 28, 2019 A very Happy Diwali to our readers from India. We’re super-excited to share our new website that the team has been working on this past summer. We also have a new logo. I would love to get your feedback and comments. This week, we focus on a slew of interesting and unconventional […]

Digital health innovation’s two-canoe problem

October 21, 2019 In my podcast interviews with Chief Innovation Officers in health systems, a consistent theme that emerges is the need for innovation acceleration. However, the continued hold of the fee-for-service (FFS) model in a declining reimbursement environment makes it challenging for enterprises to make significant commitments to funding innovation today. Thus, we have […]

Celebrating episode 25 of The Big Unlock podcast

This week, I am very pleased to share podcast episode #25, which is a huge milestone for us. I have been extremely fortunate to be able to feature some of the most influential leaders in healthcare and technology for the past year and a half. I’m super thrilled that Ed Marx, CIO of Cleveland Clinic, […]

De-identification, Privacy, and Emergent Data in the New AI World.

The underlying assumption in all the ongoing data sharing agreements, cloud partnerships, innovation hubs, and the like is that medical and non-medical information alike on consumers will be “de-identified” for research and product development.  One DNA-testing startup is twisting itself into a pretzel to convince consumers that their DNA test data will be “anonymous.” (It’s a different matter […]

Healthcare Data’s Moment of Lift

This past week, I had the opportunity to present with Dr. Peter Rasmussen of Cleveland Clinic on developing digital health innovation roadmaps at SHSMD Connections 2019 (anyone interested in a copy of the presentation, drop me a note). It was one of the most heavily attended sessions at the conference. Our takeaway was that there […]

The Demand Environment for Global IT Consulting Firms in Healthcare

Our mid-year review of 12 global IT consulting firms, The WITCH Report, suggests that the demand environment has been soft in the healthcare segment for consulting firms in the first half of the year. The life sciences segment seems to be doing better. You can download our comprehensive coverage in this one-of-a-kind semi-annual report here. There […]

When the Toolbox of Traditional Methods Has Been Depleted

Hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend. Summer’s over, believe it or not. When the toolbox of traditional methods to improve the quality and reduce the costs of care have been exhausted, what’s next? In my latest podcast episode, Karen Murphy, EVP and Chief Innovation Officer at Geisinger Health discusses how health systems are now competing in […]

Data Privacy, Innovation Models, and AI Winters.

In my recent blog in CIO online, I discuss how health systems and health insurance companies are pooling and monetizing data and innovation assets, and how the owners of the data, i.e., consumers, should benefit from these programs. The ONC has separately issued their thoughts on this topic, specifically as it relates to how consumer data is reused and […]

Commercializing Healthcare Innovation

August 19, 2019 A few healthcare enterprises have launched commercial programs offering their innovation models and their patient data as a bundled service to startups and researchers. However, there are concerns about the monetization of patient data and significant challenges in generating insights from healthcare data using AI algorithms. We have included a collection of […]

Digital Innovation is an Applied Science

August 12, 2019 In my latest podcast episode, Manu Tandon, CIO of The Harvard Medical School-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston discusses the benefits and challenges of being the only large health system in the country running a homegrown EHR system, and why they have not moved to one of the leading commercial EHR […]