

Monday, August 30, 2021 Issue 128 This past week, I wrote a piece exploring the reasons why big tech firms seem to suffer big setbacks repeatedly in healthcare. Counting the Haven Healthcare debacle, four big tech firms – Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Apple – have had very public failures in the healthcare space over the […]

Google and Apple – back to the future in healthcare


Monday, August 23, 2021 Issue 127 This past week, healthcare tech markets were abuzz with the news of David Feinberg, Head of Google Health, departing to take up the CEO role at Cerner. A leaked internal memo, scooped by Business Insider, painted a gloomy picture inside Google. The Google Health division was disbanded, atomized, and […]

A muted HIMSS comes to an end


Monday, August 16, 2021 Issue 126 HIMSS2021 was unusual, to say the least. For the first time, I found myself presenting to an in-person audience through a Zoom interface, with an in-person moderator introducing the presenters. By all accounts, many of the HIMSS sessions were all-virtual or a hybrid of virtual and in-person sessions. A […]

Should I stay or should I go (Inoculated City)?


Monday, August 9, 2021 Issue 125 By now, readers of this newsletter have gotten used to my penchant for using pop/rock song titles as the subject line. The song I chose this week is by punk rock legends The Clash. What better metaphor could capture the zeitgeist that Casey Ross of STAT News describes as […]

Go on. Take the money and run.


Monday, August 2, 2021 Issue 124 Digital health companies are going through a steady consolidation. Startups are merging with other startups. Bigger tech firms are acquiring smaller ones. PE firms are swooping in, not wanting to miss out on all the action. The bottom line seems to be this: the incredible valuations for digital health […]

The healthcare data economy takes shape


Monday, July 26, 2021 Issue 123 My first book, The Big Unlock, was about the vast opportunity in front of healthcare organizations to harness data to drive digital health experiences. When I published the book in 2017, healthcare was horribly siloed. While new data sources were emerging, healthcare organizations were struggling to harness their patient […]

Digital health bubble? What bubble?


Monday, July 19, 2021 Issue 122 There’s a reason the subtitle to my book with Ed Marx was “how consumerism, technology and pandemic are accelerating the future.” A study published by consulting firm McKinsey points out to broad acceptance of telehealth among consumers as a factor driving the shift to virtual care. The report declares […]

Froth in the digital health markets


Monday, July 12, 2021 Issue 121 Digital health startups are having a moment. VC funding data published by VC firm Rock Health indicate that nearly $15 billion went into digital health startups for the first half of 2021. The funding levels have already surpassed the numbers for the full year 2020. To put it in […]

Digital transformation has paradoxically led to more work


Monday, June 28, 2021 Issue 120 The pandemic has dramatically expanded the role of technology in healthcare delivery. In the new era of digital/virtual/in-person care, new technologies for telehealth and virtual care models have not replaced the existing technologies – in fact, they are new and additional layers of technology that have to be actively […]

The next wave of digital health companies


Monday, June 21, 2021 Issue 119 With the CMS final rule having gone into effect and information blocking now no longer (hopefully) an issue, a new wave of innovation is getting underway. Last week, I wrote about Apple and the new health-related tools they are launching, many of which are based on information from EHR systems that consumers are granting access to. […]

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Join the digital healthcare revolution. Stay on top of the latest news, trends, and insights with Damo Consulting.